اثبات دفع شهر مارس 2014 من ادفلاي سجل بسرعة

اثبات دفع شهر مارس 2014 من ادفلاي سجل بسرعة شركة مضمونة 100%
thanks to adfly
this is march 2014 proof
http://adf.ly/eJ8up my referral:
http://adf.ly/?id=966088 and this is the image from payza

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earn 5 $ a day with adf.ly + payment proof

شرح التسجيل بموقع adf.ly لاختصار الروابط وضرب عصفورين بحجر واحد .... طريقة جديدة للربح من الانترنت

هذا الموقع يسمح لك باختصار الروابط الخاصة ويدفع لك عند زيارة تلك الروابط

الموقع بيحسب جميع دول العالم مع الاختلاف فى سعر الضغطات حسب كل دولة

هذا جدول يوضح اسعار جميع دول العالم

خصائص الشركة

حد ادنى للدفع 5 دولار
20% من ارباح للاحالات
5% ارباح من اى ريفيرال قام بشراء اعلانات من الموقع
كل 1000زيارة يعنى $5
الدفع على حسابى *****pay او Paypal
عدد لا نهائى من الريفرال.
امكانية وضع عدد لا نهائى من الروابط
الدفع كل شهر اوتماتيك اوتلقائى مع ملاحظة انه
يجب ان تضع حسابك فى البنك من الخيار withdraw
الدفع يتم اوتوماتيكيا يوم الاثنين من اول كل شهر
بشرط ان يكون رصيد لا يقل عن 5 دولار
يوجد منتدى بالشركة

اضغط هنا للتسجيل

او اضغط على البنر

ثم إتبع الخطوات التالية :

اكتب بيانات التسجيل كما موضح بالصورة

بعد التسجيل سوف تصل بك رسالة على البريد الكترونى (الياهو ) قم بفتحها واضغط على رابط التفعيل

سوف تفتح الصورة التالية

شرح بسيط للصفحة الرئسية فى حسابك ويتم الشرح بالكامل

اولا \ الريفيرال كما موضح هو الرابط اللى انت هتبعه لاصحابك ويسجلوا تحتك

اضغط على referrals ثم referrals code

ثانيا \ حسابك للامان على حسابك وعدم الاختراق اكتب كلمة السر فى الخانتان وموقع خاص بك ثم حفظ كما موضح بالصورة

ثالثا \ الدفع هذة الخطواة هامة جدا ويجب كتابة اميل حسابك فى اليرت باى تذكر الدفع اوتوماتيكيا يعنى غير ما طلب السحب هو هيوصله لوحده بذلك يجب انك تكون كاتب اليرت باى

شرح الصفحة الرئيسية لحسابك

الان كيفية الربح من الموقع ؟؟ على الصفحة الرئيسية ستجد كيفية الاختصار بالشكل التالى على الصور

بعد قيامك باختصار موقع معين مثلا جوجل وتنسخ الرابط وتضعه فى منتديات او ترسله لاصحابك او اى مكان على الانترنت وعندما يقوم صديقك او اى شخص بالضغط على الرابط سوف يرسل لك رصيد داخل حسابك فورا واسعار الضغطات تختلف بين دولة ودولة

هذا جدول يوضح اسعار جميع دول العالم


اعتقد انى قمت بالشرح الوافى والكامل والمميز لاكبر موقع اختصار الروابط واتمنى لكم التوفيق


* إن أردت الحصول على عدد كبير من المشاهدات لروابطك حاول أن تجعلها مميزة و انشرها في الفايسبووك و المنتديات العربية و الأجنبية.
* حاول أن تفيد الغير بروابطك فمثلا قم بإختصار روابط لمقالات علمية.
* لا تفكر أبدا في إختصار روابط المواقع التي تحتوي على الصور الإباحية فإن لم يمنعك هاجسك الديني فالموقع نفسه لا يقبل ذلك و سيقوم بحظر حسابك.

اثبات الدفع لشهر يوليو 2012

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How to make money online with adf.ly

How to make money online with adf.ly

What is Adf.ly?
Adf.ly is an URL shortening service, such as bit.ly and goo.gl but with one little twist, you can make money from every link you create! Today there are plenty of websites out there that gives you the opportunity to shorten your links in order to make them more appealing or to hide where the link actually leads. However, there are only a few of them that you can make money online from and adf.ly is one of the best for just that. Later on in this article I will show you some the different ways that you can use to make money with adf.ly. While adf.ly is a great website you will most likely not make enough money from it to quit your day job, though it can build up over time and provide you with that money you need to start up your bigger projects online.
How does adf.ly work?
Adf.ly is simply a link shortening service that serves ads in every link that you create. For every ad in your links that someone sees you will make money. The ad shows for 5 seconds before you can click “skip ad” and continue to the links destination. The amount of money you make is about $0.5 to $4.7 per thousand views as I’m writing this article. Below are some ways on how to make money online with ad.ly.
  • Displaying interstitial ads
    Displaying interstitial ads in your links is the highest paying alternative. If you shrink a link with an interstitial advertisement in it people will see full screen advertising before they can continue to the links destination. The advertisement lasts for 5 seconds before the alternative of skipping it becomes available for the viewer.
  • Using a framed banner
    Using a framed banner is a less “painful” alternative for everyone that clicks on your link. This is because the ad will not take up the whole screen; instead it will only show a banner at the top of the browser. However, you will not make as much money with this alternative as you would have done by using interstitial ads.
  • Full page scripts
    Even though I’d advice not to use full page scripts it is still a service offered by adf.ly. Full page scripts is a code snippet that you place in your websites code to change all of your links to adf.ly links. Doing so will make your users have to watch an ad every time they click on a link at your website. Sure, if you have thousand of visitors per day you can make some money with this, but you will most likely piss of everyone trying to browse your website.
  • Get referrals to do the hard work
    If you do not want to do the hard work yourself then get some “slaves” to do the work for you. Adf.ly has a referral program that grants you 20% of your referrals earnings for life. So if you’re a famous person or has a great way to get referrals online this is for you. If you get about 100 referrals that are all making about $1 per month this will automatically get $20 per month without any work. It may not seem like a lot but money quickly adds up and if you have any good idea on how to get people to click on your own links you could be earning well over $50 per month simply by creating links. If you run a website or blog you could simply put up one of their banners on your site and if anyone clicks on them and signs up you will get a referral.

Making money with Adf.ly
Finally I’m getting to the point! I suppose you mainly came here to get ideas on how to make money with adf.ly and therefore I am going to list a few ways that I made my first $50 with when I used adf.ly.
  • Post on forums
    If you know how a forum works then you will also know that there are plenty of forums out there that gets millions of views every month with hundreds of thousands members. Let’s say you know where to fins great Photoshop graphics, so you sign up with a design forum. You then create an adf.ly link to these graphics (it could be anything from Photoshop brushes to logo designs).  Then you cleverly create a thread on the forum saying something like “Free logo designs for your website” with a little bit information and maybe some pictures of the logos inside. Then you place your Adf.ly link in the thread and say that they can download them from that site. If you do this actively you can get thousands of clicks on your links each day. This can be done in various forums, as long as you have something that the rest of the users want, for example eBooks, software, videos and so on.
  • Create videos on YouTube
    YouTube is a great way to make money online and it even works with Adf.ly in some cases. If you know how to make videos you could create a video about a new software or song and then simply say that the link to download it is in the description. Since the video will most likely constantly get traffic you can duplicate this process and create many videos. In the end you might get thousands of clicks on your links every day on autopilot. And the more videos you upload, the more money you will make.
  • Everyday linking to things
    If you’re active at websites such as twitter, facebook or similar websites you can easily make some money online from them. In the end, the more links you create the more you will earn, just post them on highly trafficked websites. The links will most likely stay forever and you will earn residual money from them forever. Though, you should not overdo this, putting links in instant messenger chats gives little to no money and only wastes time for you and the one clicking the link.
Great extra features of Adf.ly
Adf.ly is a great website and there are some things that make it this great. One of those things is the interface it has, it’s simple to navigate and understand even for new users. Adf.ly also has a forum where you can talk with admins and other members; this is a great way to see that the website is not a scam. When you create a link with their service you can use one of the worlds shortest URL’s: u.bb and 9.bb, so you’re not just limited to using the adf.ly shortening. You also get very detailed statistics from every link you create, such as the earnings, amount of clicks and from where in the world someone clicked on your links. But the best thing is that the payout is as low as $5, this means that you can reach your payout limit easily if you just put some effort in spreading your links online.

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2012 Adfly new Methods: Make Money with Your Links

Adfly Methods: Make Money with Your Links
adfly cover Adfly Methods:  Make Money with Your Links
I’ve talked about Adfly before.  This is an ad network that allows you to shorten links so that when someone clicks on the links, they will also be shown an advertisement.  At the same time, you will earn money for each view.  It’s a quick and simple way to start earning money online even if you don’t have your own website.  So if you want to dip your feet in the online money making waters, this may be a good place to start.
Previously, I offered a quick tutorial on how you may be able to promote your links automatically through niche twitter accounts. I’ve had a good response to that article and had some people sign up and start using Adfly with that method.  I was curious to see how they were doing, so I took a look at some of their earnings.
Of course, earnings varied according to how they operated and how they were promoting their links.  Here’s a screenshot of a couple of my referral’s earnings:
Adfly earnings Adfly Methods:  Make Money with Your Links
Now, you can see that the earnings are varied.  Some of these people have been using gadfly longer than others.  But I wanted to highlight a couple of these guys who’ve been members for less than a month.  $4 in 3 weeks may not seem like a lot of money, but keep in mind this is just the beginning.  Also, the earnings become cumulative as you add more promotional techniques.
I started out earning about $4 a month as well, but after a few months, I’m now earning upwards of $0.50 a day and I find that I earn more and more each day.  Partly, it’s because I’m getting more hits on my links and partly, my referral’s earnings are growing daily as well.
Oh, did I forget to mention that you earn 20% of your referral’s earnings for life?
So, once I started hitting $0.50 cents a day, I thought to myself that this actually is a pretty good passive income stream.  But I also realized that I was really not even using it to it’s fullest potential.
After all, I’m using the simplest method, which is twitter to promote my links.  But while twitter works well, it’s not the only method around.  For the enterprising, there are higher converting methods as far as generating interest.
There are people earning hundreds and even thousands each month through Adfly:
Adfly make money online Adfly Methods:  Make Money with Your Links
Adfly Income Adfly Methods:  Make Money with Your Links
Here’s a screenshot of another user’s earnings:
make money with adfly Adfly Methods:  Make Money with Your Links
You can see proof of other people’s earnings at the Adfly Forums.
Of course, I wanted to learn how these people were earning so much monthly.  So, I set about on a quest to figure out the best methods for generating interest and clicks.  And I put it all together in an ebook.
Now, this is not an exhaustive list, as there are many ways to promote yourself.  If you’re imaginative, you can likely find other ways to get your links out there.  However, these are some of the most effective techniques.
Also, while these are methods that are specific to Adfly.  They can also be used generally to promote any type of link, including your websites or blogs.
Here’s a quick list of some of the methods described in my ebook:
  • Twitter:  This is a quick and easy way to set up and promote your links
  • Facebook:  I’ve included a quick Facebook script I found that helps in getting likes quickly
  • Online Classifieds:  Of course Craigslist is mentioned specifically, but this method will work well with any online classified website.
  • Pastebin:  Putting viral articles with links into paste bin works well.  I put up a step by step guide
  • Youtube:  People are using youtube to great success, but you have to be methodical about how you do it.  I’ve laid out the technique in the book.
  • File Sharing:  This is another great method.  There’s a combination of techniques that you can use with various file sharing sites to great effect.
  • Other techniques:  I’ve described in detail the above techniques and others in my new ebook.
Like I said earlier, currently, I’m earning money just by simply employing my twitter technique.  Others are earning much more by using a combination of methods.
My goal in putting together this ebook is to educate myself, but also to educate anyone interested in earning some extra money with their links.
Depending on how much time and effort you put in setting up these methods, you could start earning a significant amount of money through Adfly as others are doing right now.
I’ve made the ebook available in my Store for a nominal price of $0.99.  It’s also on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles for the same price.
Smiley face wink1 Adfly Methods:  Make Money with Your Links
If you enjoyed this post and want to learn more about making money with Adfly, you can visit my store and purchase my ebook .  (Completely Optional.  Think of it as a donation to my research efforts…)  You will more than easily make back the price of the book and get started towards a profitable online journey.
To Your Success!

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welcome to my blog our sevice is coming soon

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